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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a synthetic poly-L-lactic acid injectable filler used to improve the look of wrinkles and fine lines, as well as volumize shallow contours on the face for those with facial volume loss. It works by stimulating the body’s own collagen production process resulting in more natural-looking enhancements.

How long does Sculptra last?

The effects of Sculptra treatment can last up to two years before additional treatments will be needed in order to maintain desired results.

How long does it take for results to show?

Results will begin showing within 6 weeks after being injected as it takes time for stimulating collagen production and can last up to two years with proper care and maintenance.

Are there any side effects from using Sculptra?

There may be some small bruising or swelling at the injection site which should subside within 1 to 2 days after treatment. Other than that, Sculptra does not put the body at risk for any allergic reactions or infections. Patients should avoid strenuous activities and always wear sunscreen whenever outside in order to protect their skin from sun damage and help with the longevity of their results.

What are the key differences between Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers?

The key difference between Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers is that Sculptra stimulates the body’s own collagen production process resulting in more natural-looking enhancements, while hyaluronic acid fillers work by immediately filling and smoothing wrinkles. Additionally, the effects of Sculptra can last up to two years while hyaluronic acid fillers typically last 6 months to a year.

Is Sculptra better than filler?

It depends on the individual needs of each patient as both options have their own advantages. Sculptra is a great choice for those seeking to non-surgically have a more youthful appearance and restore facial volume, while fillers are great for those who need immediate results that last 6 months to a year. Ultimately, it’s best to discuss with Dr. Ibrahim to determine which option is best for you.

Are there any post-treatment instructions?

Yes, after receiving Sculptra injections, patients should refrain from strenuous activities and heavy lifting during the recovery period in order to help ensure optimal results. Additionally, patients should avoid excessive sunlight and wear sunscreen whenever outside in order to protect their skin from sun damage and help with the longevity of their results.

How many treatments will I need?

The effects of Sculptra can last up to two years before additional treatments will be needed in order to maintain desired results. Depending on individual needs, some patients may require more frequent treatments depending on how quickly their collagen production slows down. Dr. Ibrahim will advise you if additional treatments are needed based on your situation.

Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

Sculptra is not suitable for everyone. It is important to discuss with Dr. Ibrahim in your initial consultation if this treatment option is right for you based on your skin type and desired results. Furthermore, it’s also essential to understand that while Sculptra can provide more natural-looking facial enhancements than other dermal fillers, the effects will eventually fade, and additional treatments may be needed in order to maintain desired results.

How quickly can I resume my normal daily activities after a Sculptra injection?

After treatment, patients can usually resume their normal activities immediately. However, they must avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting during the recovery period in order to ensure optimal results and safety. It is important to follow Dr. Ibrahim’s instructions for the best outcomes.

Can Sculptra restore lost volume in other areas of the body?

Yes, Sculptra can be used to restore lost volume in other areas of the body such as the hands, chest, and buttocks (the Sculptra Butt Lift). During a consultation, Dr. Ibrahim will evaluate your individual needs and advise you on whether this treatment option is appropriate for you.

What makes Dr. Ibrahim an expert injector?

Dr. Ibrahim has years of experience in the field and is a board-certified physician, completing a Fellowship in Aesthetic medicine from the American Academy of Anti-Age Medicine. He has an eye for aesthetic beauty and understands the anatomy of the face in order to help achieve natural-looking results. Furthermore, Dr. Ibrahim utilizes state-of-the-art techniques and instruments to ensure safety as well as desired outcomes for each patient.

Can Sculptra be used on other parts of my face?

Yes, Sculptra can be used to enhance facial features such as the chin, and cheeks. During a consultation with Dr. Ibrahim, you can discuss any desired changes and he will advise you if this treatment is suitable for achieving your goals.

How much does a Sculptra treatment cost?

The cost of a Sculptra treatment will vary depending on how many vials are needed for the desired results. Dr. Ibrahim will evaluate you and tailor a treatment plan beforehand in order to have an accurate estimate of what it may cost and develop a plan that works best for you.