Now that you’re a confirmed oldster (above 18), it’s time to get your vamp on! There are plenty of ways to look youthful again. Some people find they need more than just skin care; some even turn towards beauty treatments like facials or fillers for their full rejuvenation package (we won’t judge).
The PRP facial is one way in particular where Drs can help make sure we don’t show signs too soon by giving our faces what looks like tissue elasticity—and more importantly-a fresh new complexion with an enchanting glow all around
With the PRP facial, we draw some blood from you and isolate growth factors in your own personalized cocktail. We use an FDA-cleared microneedling device to create multiple micro punctures driving these powerful rejuvenating ingredients deep into your skin where they can work their magic on collagen production while also tightening it up!
To enhance the effects of the procedure, apply PRP altar cream twice daily to accelerate healing and increase skin firmness, elasticity, and improve texture.
PRP Altar™ contains a patented distillate of the plant Angelica Sinensis which when combined with avocado oil, shea butter silk and other products will cause dramatic healing effects and repairing that’s sure to please even those with sensitive skins! This potent mix also contains avocado oil shea butter silk which helps promote neovascularization (the formation new blood vessels), and improving fine lines and wrinkles, giving us healthier looking skin while improving radiance in our complexions – not forgetting, it repairs all types of acne eczema, psoriasis, and skin breakouts including radiation dermatitis leaving no scars behind; there are many benefits when using PRP Altar cream for healthy aging.